Recreational Habits

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Our Sunday Night Routines (For Success)

Sunday’s are our favorite day of the week because we get to spend uninterrupted quality time with our family. We usually start our morning off with a quick jog, just Mr. M and I, through the countryside but every once in a while, our oldest son will join us, and it is such a treat! I swear sometimes he thinks he is Rocky Balboa, but you can never start training too early and we support an active lifestyle in our household.

After, we gather communally around our dining room table for a bible lesson, taught via Zoom, followed by a Sunday brunch with our family’s favorite foods, which often include the famous pop overs from Neiman Marcus, soft scrambled eggs, bacon, coffee, and Angelina’s hot chocolate. If you are looking for the recipes to some of our favorite dishes, you can click here for the popovers, and here for the link to purchase Angelina’s hot chocolate.

The remainder of the day we try to get outside with the kids (usually on the four-wheelers), have fun, and also relax. Sometimes we just hang our in the living room and have a dance party. Music is a big aspect in our home, and you can always hear tunes coming from any room we are in.

Sunday evenings, after family dinner, once the noise has dimmed down and the kids are in bed, Mr. M and I get to spend special time together as husband and wife. We take this time to ground ourselves in our household and as a unit, reflect on the previous week and prepare for the week ahead.

Read below to discover what we do on Sunday evenings to ease the Sunday scaries and wake up on Monday refreshed and ready for what is to come!

Jackie Skye Muller’s Sunday Rituals
1. Celery Juice - I have a history of eczema and Celery Juice or "CJ" as I call it, has really helped control flare ups! It's a bit of work to make it unfortunately, but that is why I take time on Sunday evenings to make a fresh batch. It really helps me start my week off right if I can wake up on Monday and have my fresh CJ first thing in the morning.

2. Clean - There is nothing worse than a mess, it can make me anxious so while I try to stay on top of cleaning during the week, on Sunday’s I wipe down the whole kitchen from top to bottom. We spend the most time in the kitchen as a family, so walking into a bright clean oil free kitchen Monday morning is the best feeling.

3. TLC - Before bed, I apply a Korean sheet mask to my face and put some Olaplex in my hair. Hydration is super key during these cold winter months and I know that I may not have time during the week for self-love, so prioritizing it on Sunday helps me to keep my skin plump and my hair shiny all week long.

Mr. M’s Sunday Rituals

1. Outdoor Activities - I like to plan outdoor activities for our family each weekend because everyone could benefit from more fresh air. We love to go four wheeling on the trails behind our property, which often leads us to feeding the horses any spare carrots or apples we have in our kitchen. Dallas will accompany us sometimes too, but hasn’t come around to being too friendly with the horses just yet.

2. Outdoor Chores - Its hard to find time during the week to make sure everything on our property is tidy and cleaned up. I know that if ignored, it can turn into a big mess quickly, so even if I take an hour or two on Sunday to cleanup outside, such as minor landscaping or chopping wood from a tree that has fallen, it makes a big difference!

3. Family Dinner - Family dinner, especially on Sunday, is very important to us. It helps me to prepare the kids for the week ahead and begin to instill in them life lessons such as time management, staying organized, setting goals and outlining tangible steps towards reaching them.

As a couple:
1. Review the Week - I like to sit in a comfy chair with a hot tea or a glass of wine (if we are drinking, which right now we are not!) and look at the calendar with Mr. M - from there we can navigate anything that may be an issue, such as if our daughter's dentist appointment is the same time as our son's Polo lesson. It just helps to get those hurdles out of the way, so we aren't scrambling on the actual day.

2. Personal Goals - I find that it is important to have personal goals, but it's also important to check in with yourself and each other to see how we are progressing. These intimate touch bases will help keep you motivated and on track. If you see you are falling behind in a certain area, you can make a plan during the week to catch up and support your partner in reaching those goals. These goals often include business, fitness and a balanced diet.

3. Make a List - We like to make a list of our to-do’s for the upcoming week. Preparation is key for everything and stops your mind from racing and trying to keep it all in order and often times forgetting important tasks that slip through the cracks. It’s especially important to do this when you’re starting a business together - Hello RH! - which can weigh heavy on a marriage if proper communication is not put into place.

4. Rest - We like to get into bed as early as possible on Sunday because that Monday morning alarm is only ever a few hours away and if we can maximize our sleep that is ideal!