Recreational Habits

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The Art of a Gentleman – The Introduction

Hello to all of you that have stumbled across this page. First and foremost I’d like to thank you for beginning to read my first post about The Art of a Gentleman. This is the beginning of a journey and story I am looking forward to telling and sharing with you in the upcoming weeks, months, and years.

The concept of The Art of a Gentleman is really simple and comes down to one thing, respect. During these posts I will be discussing respect for yourself, respect for others, respect for women, and the art form that is all of the above. I have found throughout my life that the art of being a gentleman has opened many doors for myself; professionally, romantically, day-to-day, and beyond. It has helped me land a seat at many tables and empowered me to speak (with integrity and respect) once there.

I’ll start at the beginning with my father. My father was, and still is, a gentleman in how he presents himself and treats others from all walks of life in all arenas. He imposed that wisdom to me while I grew up and helped to shape me into the man I became and am today. When I was younger, I learned that I was different from many of my peers - in how I dressed, in the way I handled myself, and in the manner that I addressed and spoke to others. It became clear to me then, and more so apparent over the years, that the art of a gentleman is a special form of heirloom, one that I was lucky enough to have passed down to me. Now that I have experienced this wisdom, I feel a responsibility to share it with others.

When I entered the workforce many years ago, my first boss told me that, “if you want people to take you seriously, you have to present yourself in a serious manner. You can be very bright but if you don’t present yourself properly, people won’t always hear you. If however, you do present yourself properly in a serious manner, not only will they hear you, but they will feel good about what they are hearing.”

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