Recreational Habits

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The 2021 RH Forecast

While this year has been nothing short of surprising, we are looking back and closing our year with feelings of gratitude and peace. Thankfully, everyone in our household has been, for the most part, safe. Life has remained balanced, and the ebbs and flows of daily routines have carried us along. There were so many highlights in 2020 from moving to Middleburg, to our COVID elopement, to launching Recreational Habits, but we eagerly await the wonderful new adventure that this next year will bring. Below are some of the things we are inspired by and excited about as we look forward to 2021.

Great Homes and Hosting

We spent a lot of time at home this year and we’ve learned to appreciate the little nooks and crannies of our abodes that we once took for granted. We predict that this year will be no different, unfortunately, but we also see a light at the end of the tunnel and plenty of hosting in our future. With lots of thought and time spent redecorating and celebrating the home life, we cannot wait to share the beautiful atmospheres with our friends and families that we’ve been socially distanced from. Bring on the revival of the great big dinner party!

Pajama Style

In line with your great new home, is your great new home appropriate wardrobe. Pajama dressing has been touched on here and there for the past decade, but we hope this year we’ll see it brought out to a whole new level. With fun prints and textures available on the market, we believe PJ dressing will come out of the homes and into the (hopefully soon!) covid-free streets.

For the Love of a Western

We spent our Friday nights indulging in old Bond movies and classic westerns (Mr. M is a fan!), so it's no surprise that the inspiration from the films have trickled into our closets. From southwest prints and suede jackets, to boot cut denim with cowboy boots, we’re finding a new sense of fun dressing up for ourselves. While Recreational Habits has always been inspired by the Great American Spirit we love to pull beautiful imagery and adventure from these western movies: The Magnificent 7, Tombstone, and The Outlaw Josey Wales.

Moments for Yourself

While our quarantine has resulted in great bonding moments between our tribe, sometimes I just needed a moment to myself. I felt guilty for asking for time away from the people I love most, but the exercise showed me that we can only be the best versions of ourselves when we actually take care of ourselves. So, don’t hesitate to indulge in the hour away to meditate, practice solo yoga, or make your celery juice in a quiet peaceful kitchen. Also, don’t feel guilty for reading a book or learning a new skill - anything that can better you.

Novelty Water Sports

A big highlight for 2021 will be to embrace traveling again. Although it may feel a little strange to be bare faced with strangers one again, getting out in fresh waters and learning a new sport is always a good way to break the ice. While water sports have always been an RH favorite, we are really excited about racing the new style of Foiling Catamaran yachts that have been introduced to the market. For those who are prone to seasickness, we recommend trying out fly-fishing, preferably in the great lakes of Montana.

Animal Friends & Family

What a perfect time to rescue or adopt a new furry friend during the stay at home months of 2020. I know some of us already had our four legged family member prior to COVID, but I can guarantee our relationship with them has blossomed since we’ve eliminated the distractions of the outside world. Personally, I couldn’t have imagined what this year would have been without our cowboy, Dallas. He kept us in good spirits throughout these isolated months, and we couldn’t be more thankful for him. Plus, we picked up a few more friends in the stable too! We predict that our 2021 will only be filled with more equestrian adventures and perhaps a few more puppies!