Globetrotting via Cinema


Planes, trains and automobiles? More like zooming, cleaning, and daydreaming about a time when 'corona' will be in reference to a beverage and not an awful, devastating global pandemic. As we are officially in the deepest depths of the winter months and quickly approaching the one year mark where everything changed, we are stamping our passports through iconic movies that transport you far away from our sofa . 

Scroll below to read our globetrotting list of movies! 


Darjeeling Limited (2007) - Go on a wild ride with three estranged brothers as they travel through India while trying to mend their bond.


To Catch a Thief (1955) - Let this romance mystery film transport you to the French Riviera where Grace Kelly dons impeccable fashions and falls madly in love with Cary Grant.


Midnight in Paris (2011) - The best way to feel as though you are wandering the streets of Paris is though watching this film, and as a bonus, it brings you back in history to a very fabulous and creative time for the city of love. .


Top Hat (1935) - The perfect two for one singalong film that takes place in London and Venice is so fun and fabulous, you will want to binge more Fred Astaire films immediatly.


Crazy Rich Asians (2018) - As a beautiful couple travels to Singapore for a friends wedding, the movie brings you behind the gate of the city’s wealth elite.


Roman Holiday (1935)- Audrey Hepburn as a Princess who falls in love with a business man while in Rome is just about the most perfect recipe for a classic movie there ever was.


In The Mood for Love (2000) - This incredible, must watch film is set in Hong Kong during 1962.

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The Talented Mr. Ripley (1999) - The psychological thriller that will have you at the edge of your seat all the way until the last frame brings you all over Italy aside from a few scenes in New York City.


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