10 Carry-On Essentials for an Enjoyable Long Flight

Long flights are arduous, but we have found a few things that help make it more tolerable. Packing the perfect carry-on bag is a true art form. You can’t overdo it, but you still need your essentials that will hold you over until you reach your final destination and you can unpack your large suitcase. With that in mind, we are sharing our tried and true in-flight essentials that we will never fly without again, and neither will you.

Consider this your 10 item carry-on checklist to ensure that you are well prepared for your travels ahead!

Okay, it won’t fix your jet lag but it will save your face from looking like you haven’t slept and the dehydration it experiences when in the sky leaving your skin dewy, smooth and happy!

Not only do these headphones have incredible sound for your listening and viewing pleasure, if you want to just zone out they have the best noise cancelling technology that money can buy!

For you globetrotters, this kit is a must. There is nothing worse than arriving at your new destination only to realize you forgot to bring or purchase an adapter and your phone/ computer dies. Make sure to bring your American charger end for the plane and pack the end for the country you are going to in your carry-on bag in case your phone dies in the customs line before you get to your final destination.

All the germ killing power and none of the alcohol smell or sticky feeling. For $10, this bottle will be your new best friend and biggest warrior against germs.

So, you don’t need to get this exact style but why not feel like Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffany’s! Really what is important is a nice silk sleeping eye mask.

Airplanes are notorious for being cold and you dont want to stay in your street shoes the whole time, that is a quick way to have swollen feet when you get off and it’s just not comfortable, so pack a pair of warm socks that you can slip into when you leave and take off when you land.

In the same vein of always being cold, we never fly without our beloved 360 Cashmere Wrap Scarf! It is 34 inches WIDE and 86 inches long, so it also doubles as a warm shawl and basically a blanket. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Absolutely.

Large Bottle of Water

Since you cannot take liquids through security, pick up a big bottle of water when you are on the other side. There is nothing worse than being thirsty on a long flight only for a flight attendant to give you a small plastic cup of water that will surely spill or not quench your thirst.

This little device changed everything, because sharing is caring! If you are traveling with a friend, partner, family or children, sometimes it is fun to watch something together that may not be available on your in-flight programing. So, pre-download your favorite movies onto your computer and plug in up to three headphones for everyone to enjoy simultaneously.

Because one can never be too safe! This face shield provides you with 180 degree protection and will not fog up. We know it is not the most chic, but safety is the new chic nowadays.


How to Master Airport Style


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